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     One day, there is the young lion and the old lion. The young lion felt that he is a real lion, better than the old lion. But the old lion don't care with him. He just lie in his den.

     "Lions ought not to behave like that!" the young lion said to himself, so he roared at all the visitors and tried to break the bars of the den.

     At three o'clock a man brought a big piece of meat and put it in the old lion's den. Then, he put bag of nuts and two bananas in the young lion's den.

     The young lion was very surprised, "I don't understand this." he said to the old lion. "I behave like a real lion, while you lie there and do nothing and look what happens!"

     "Because he didn't know where is the young lion or the old lion. He just put it anywhere he want. Or maybe because of you roared, he was afraid with you" said the old lion. Then the young lion became anger.


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