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The oldest clock in the world was called sundial clock. This clock was made by an expert Astronomy Muslim named Ibnu al-Shatir around 3500 BC. This clock shows the time based on the location of the sun, by utilizing the shadow that hit a flat surface marked with the hours in a day. Ibnu al-Shatir split time in the day to 12 hours, in the winter is a short time, while in the summer time is longer. 

Sundial developed among ancient cultures Babylonian, Greek, Egyptian, Roman, Chinese, and Japanese. Sundial oldest ever found by Chaldean Berosis, who lived around 340 BC. Some sundials other artifacts found in Tivoli, Italy in 1746, at the Castel Nuovo in 1751, in Rigano in 1751, and in Pompeii in 1762.

In 1300 BC Ctesibus of Alexandria made ​​the clock using instruments sand. Sand which filled in the tube fell through a narrow tube section to indicate a specific time. Then, the tube was turned 180 degrees to repeat the measurement of time. In the history of clock, also known term water clock. The water clock's work system is basically the same with the sand clock.

Now, advances in science and technology is increasing at encouraging the creation of more innovative. The wrist watch were first made by Patek Philippe in 1868. Emperor Wilhelm I of Germany had ordered this watch making as many as 2,000 items to be given to prospective German naval officer. 

Technological developments in the field of watches opened the market for all types of goods related to the clock. Currently, there are many well-known brands of watches available in the market. Watches best people are made in Germany, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.


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