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Men's Personality Based on his Watches

Each person has a different tastes watches. Than as a timepiece, the wrist watch can also describe the character of the wearer. In his book "1001 ways You Reveal Your Personality" Elayne J. Kahn and David A. Ruanitsky reveal the character of the men's watch.

1. Doesn't have the numbers
Models watches which have an injection without numbers illustrates that the wearer is very careful in formulating the concept of, but do not want all the things described are directly. Men with these watches look more intellectual challenge and fun dealing with thematic problems.

In addition, they are also not easily discouraged, and willing to spend long hours to solve a problem, although others have given up. He will solve the problem between you and him is fast and precise, and would not want a protracted sinking in the same problem.

2. Light Emitting Diode
Light Emitting Diode (LED) is an electronic watch that emits monochromatic light is red when a key is pressed. Whereas if it is not pressed, the surface will remain dark. If he uses this model watch, meaning it includes people who are good at keeping secrets. He is not a person who likes to show feelings and emotions in others.

Usually this type of man seem mysterious. So, be careful if he's the type of guy like this.  It's good you are looking for as much information about him before said yes to being his girlfriend. Do not want it you know later if it turns out he's a married man.

3. Liquid Crystal Display
In contrast to the type of LED watches, Liquid Crystal Display, or LCD that actually describes the wearer confidence and avoid concepts that are too abstract. Character type watches men's users tend to be simple and fun to see things clearly outlined. So, if you want to steal his heart, give a clear signal that you like him. Do not use force or tug satire, because he will not understand.

4. Classical Gold
Men who choose these watches would be willing to sacrifice short pleasures for the sake of getting the pleasure is longer. You could say the men of this type also tend to be conventional, patient, and thoughtful. He does not like pressure or coerce others.

His style is a bit old school and prefer to do things that produce something rather than just get-togethers with friends. He is keeping your feelings and always trying to please you.

5. Time on Some Place
If he's wearing a watch with a model that shows the time in several different cities in the world, meaning he's the kind of guy who has a lot of dreams. The good, he's always trying to achieve his dreams one by one.
Because of that, he's the kind of hard worker. When being hit saturation, spirit shall rise once she reminded again of his dream. Although busy sometimes make him seem cool, but he type of focus, especially when he's already put your name into a series of dreams.

6. Spinning Model Watches
Of the various models of watches are more sophisticated, but he chose this watch model, meaning he was among men who have high self-esteem, independence, and love of freedom. He preferred to solve their own problems, rather than relying on the help of others.

For him, it is a difficult job, made ​​him feel even more challenged. Type that does not mind doing homework, such as cutting the grass, painting the house, or fix the leaky roof. Although seem harsh, but this type of man always protect what is theirs.

7. Pocket Watches
He was a man who did not want to set the time. No matter how busy his schedule, he knows how to relax. He always tried to make her life balanced. In addition, he is also the type of person who likes to store objects that have a value of memories.

Do not be surprised if he still keeps his childhood toys, gifts from you, even still keep the message the first time he met you. Men of this type are also usually not in a hurry to decide anything, including love affairs. So, be advised only if the he takes a bit of time in the approach.

What if the he does not like wearing a watch? According to Kahn and Rutnisky, men like this happy freedom and individualistic. Hm, or lest he deliberately did not wear a watch to always have a chance to get acquainted with beautiful women, asking time as conversation starters.