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The Parts of Watches

We usually wear a watch just for the style, so we bought a model watches which cute, unique, and interesting. But we do not know the parts of watches. Now, I'll tell you about the parts of watches.

1. The Mainspring
The mainspring is a spiral torsion spring of metal ribbon that is the source of power in mechanical watches and some other clock. Rolls timepiece, by turning a knob or key, stores energy in the mainspring by twisting the spiral tighter. The force of the mainspring then turns the clock wheel as the release roll, until the next roll is needed.
The mainspring is made in three forms:
-Spiral coiling: coiling in the same direction in a simple spiral.
-Semi-reverse: End of outer spring coiled in the opposite direction less than 360°
-Reverse (tough): the outer end of the spring is coiled in the reverse direction exceeds 360°

2. The Escapement

The escapement is a tool that transfers energy to the element of timeliness and lets count the number of oscillations of the timekeeping element. In horology, the second function is called impulse action and locking action of the escapees. Escape is the source of the ticking sound in watches and clocks.

3. Mainspring Barrel
Barrel is a cylindrical metal box closed by a cover, with a ring of gear teeth around it, containing a spiral spring called the mainspring, which provides power to run the timepiece. Mainspring barrel is arranged so that the gear can rotate and move. Consists of three main parts: Crown Barrel, Ratchet Barrel and Main Wheel. Barrels rotate slowly: for a watch mainspring barrel, the rate is usually one rotation every 8 hours.

4. Bezel
Bezel is part of the watches are designed for protecting the watch face, or like a ring that is placed around the wrist watch to hold the glass in order not to loose. It's not funny if when we were clapping or hitting mosquitoes suddenly the glass off and then rolling on the floor.

5. Dial
Dial was serving the whole of the clock information from the second, minute, hour, date, day, (sometimes) months, stop watch, the numbers / symbols time, name of manufacturer, type of winder, get waterproof / no, hold depth how meter (water resistant watch only), etc..