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How To Manage Our School Waste

     Garbage is an endless problem. Every day more and more trash accumulates. Comparison between the amount of waste generated is not balanced with the processed junk. With increasing human activity, population growth, but the availability of a human life is relatively fixed. The more advanced human lifestyle, the more waste produced. In this post, I will tell how to tackle garbage in the school.
     Broadly speaking, waste is divided into two groups: organic and inorganic. Organic waste is waste that generally can rot, for example: food scraps, leaves, fruits and so on. Whereas inorganic waste is waste that is usually rot, for example: metal / iron, broken glass, plastic and so on.
     The main step in tackling this problem is to provide a trash bin 2. One for organic waste, and the other for inorganic waste. Next, I found 4 ways to deal with this garbage.

Handling and Troubleshooting With Trash Waste Reduce     To cope with the waste that we generate waste that is not too much, we need to save the use of products that we use even more so when it produces waste products that can not be used again. That's why there should be an effort to reduce the number of items that we use. For example, the use of clean water, use only for things that are important and not too extravagant because of dirty water which is a waste of the use of water for bathing, washing and others if not immediately addressed
or incorrect handling may cause pollution in our environment.Handling and Troubleshooting With Trash Waste Reuse

     It is unfortunate when stuff ends up in the trash or discarded simply because it does not have the power to another like a pack of noodles, manure or bottled drinks. In order not to waste to build up and cause problems in future it is better to sort out among the wasted goods to be used again. No need to wear them as the previous function but can be re-used for other purposes, such as noodles can be used for container planting crops, livestock manure can be used as manure and bottles we can use as a container of drinking water or cooking oil.Handling and Troubleshooting With Trash Waste Recycle
     One waste handling waste in the spotlight today is the first recycle garbage bins are not worth to be recycled after the use value and value ekonimis. Examples include organic waste recycling when in returning would be a fertilizer that can fertilize the soil and plants. In addition to the various types of inorganic waste that is not easily biodegradable by nature as well as books and other plastics that can be reused can be recycled so that later can also reduce the amount of garbage that accumulate in our environment.Handling and Troubleshooting Garbage Waste With Replace     To avoid the accumulation of garbage, in addition to the above three ways we can try to look for other alternatives instead of specific products that use very short and wasteful. For example, instead of using styrofoam as food containers which are basically very difficult to decompose in nature, we can use alternative to using other food containers that can be used over and over again like a lunchbox.Handling and Troubleshooting Garbage Waste With Destroy     We realize not all of the garbage can in the Reduce, Reuse, Recyle and Replace, there are some hazardous waste containing B3 waste must be destroyed so as not to adversely affect the surrounding environment. In the destruction of garbage that is not able to be recovered should be handled properly. Various ways such as burning, penetralisiran, to be buried in a place away from settlements and natural resources must be done in order to create population environment clean, healthy and free from litter waste.

Okay, that's all my post for today. Hope it helps :)